Get Involved
Become A Juror
All juries are selected by the Elizabeth Sterling Haynes Awards Committee upon advice from the community. Every attempt is made to ensure all Juries are as well rounded in terms of theatrical disciplines as possible. There are three Sterling Juries:
The Mainstage Jury is responsible for seeing professional mainstage productions from mid-May to mid-May including TYA productions.
The Fringe Jury is responsible for seeing eligible Fringe productions in August of each year.
The production jury will select the nominees and recipients for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Production.
Whether it be selling 50/50 tickets on the big night, show running tasks, or assisting in the box office, we can always use a little help to get the show on the road.
Join The Committee
The Sterling Committee is a group of theatre professionals who volunteer their time to assist in the planning, organization, and presentation of the Annual Sterling Awards. We are always looking for extra hands and fresh ideas.